System Analyst

Joey Schmidt

Home city: Denver, Colorado
Years experience: 2
Languages: English, some Spanish
Tech skills: Salesforce/Apttus administration, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Apex
Education: BS Electrical Engineering, Purdue University; MS Engineering Management, University of Wisconsin

Why I Work for ArganoaMind

I liked the challenge of learning new technology in a new field and honing my analytical skills to help solve our client’s problems. I had never heard of CPQ before taking a position with ArganoaMind, but I love working through a project and determining how to adapt a client’s needs to a CPQ system and making it all work in the end. I think a good consultant needs to be self-motivated and very inquisitive, to both stay sharp on technology and make sure all aspects of a project are fully explored.

Places I’ve Lived

Newbugh, IN; San Diego, CA; Charleston, SC; Saratoga Springs, NY; Bremerton, WA; Luperon, Dominican Republic; Denver, CO

My Most Unusual Job

Along with my wife, I lived for 1.5 years in a rural poverty area of the Dominican Republic, managing the home construction program for a mission project. See if you’re curious!

After Work…

My wife and I both like to adventure in the mountains – hiking, backpacking, kayaking, snowboarding.  We also love to explore new areas on our motorcycles and visit our friends in the Dominican Republic.  By myself, I like to stay on top of technology and learn how to cook new, delicious food!

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