Full-stack Senior Developer

Artem Iagutian

Home city: Tbilisi, Georgia
Years experience: 10
Languages: English, Russian, Georgian, Armenian
Tech skills: Java, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Apex, Visualforce, NodeJS
Education: University bachelor degree

Why I Work for ArganoaMind

I work for ArganoaMind because it gives me the opportunity to learn new technologies, meet new people, live/work outside my city. I enjoy working with CPQ because it is ideal for managing pricing for all types of products and services – especially large organizations.

CPQ gives developers the best way to write interesting solutions, especially when working with big data. I enjoy writing user-friendly systems that help to configure products and services with just a few clicks.

After Work…

I use all the free time I can to travel and explore new countries and cities. On weekends I get out and explore my own country of Georgia. It is filled with nature, sea, mountains and historical places.

Places I’ve Lived

Tibilsi, Georgia

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